Saturday, August 3, 2013

Luxman Sq-38u Vacuum Tube Integrated

Luxman Sq-38u Vacuum Tube Integrated

Find recommendations and reviews Luxman Sq-38u Vacuum Tube Integrated. For both price and quality. To help you make the best product.
Rated output: 30W +30 W (6?), 25W +25 W (8?, 4?) Output 1 channel each REC, monitor input: Input: Phono 1 line (for MM / MC high / MC low), recording system input and output line 4 (Can be switched independently or simultaneous output) A speaker output, B: Separate input and output: One line Output each pre-output, the main input Mullard circuit, output: driver circuit method [4] this connection tube UL EL34 × [use], this 5 ECC83 ×, this ECC82 × 2 (Height) × 196 (width) 400 (not including the terminal knob depth) mm (depth) × 310 ? Chassis wooden box-shaped of (b), have contributed significantly in order to maintain the overall strength of the product and the aesthetic design that gives a sense of security (b) which has been subjected to finish veneer natural to MDF of 16mm. ? By connecting and UL orthodox of a push-pull EL34 output tube made of Russian Sovutekku is designed with consideration of the life of super sphere sound quality and certainly proven necessary and sufficient 30W rated output when (6? I realized a). ? The phono equalizer amplifier circuit adopts a two-stage type PK-NF. Minimize the phase rotation of the signal, I have achieved a low distortion. ? Use the MC step-up transformer with built-in gain switching when using MC cartridge, you can enjoy a fuller sound quality seems transformer. ? finely adjustable tone control circuit to the sound quality of your favorite, has adopted a less traditional LUX smooth swell of change characteristics (via the SQ5b 1962). ? All functions are used to switch the audio relay of type nitrogen injection. I was employed as compared to direct wiring to the switch, low contact resistance and changes over time, and noise interference on the wiring, the system safe and reliable switching operation is possible in long-term use. ? according to the age and genre of music, equipped with a speaker selector switch with integrated A / B can be free to choose the 2-speaker system of your choice.
Luxman Sq-38u Vacuum Tube Integrated
SALE Luxman Sq-38u Vacuum Tube Integrated

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